Our Church History
Throughout the history of the world, it has been noted that whenever a group of Christians have found themselves settled in a place, they have felt the need of organizing a church.
About 1917, a few baptized believers recognized this need. Brother Flagg, Brother Greer, Brother Bennett and others were inspired to invite Rev. Brooks of Edna and Rev. Ursley of Victoria to come and help the people of El Campo organize a church. This attempt was met with discouragement, and the work lagged. Rev. Dan Thomas set out to revive the work. For some time, “Porter’s Hall” was used as a meeting place. The church felt the need for a dedicated house of worship, so they sought to secure the necessary funds to erect a building. Rev. James Jordan, a missionary from the Mt. Zion District Association, sent Bro. Mitchell Sayles, a carpenter from Edna, to build the first edifice. Rev. Jordan was then called as the first Pastor of this courageous church of about thirty(30) members. We are active members of the Mt. Zion District Association and the Colorado Baptist Association.
On March 16, 1993 the Church became incorporated. The Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church of El Campo will devote and apply the assets and or property of the corporation and the income to be derived there from exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and distinct ecclesiastical purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c)(3) of the internal revenue code of 1954. We will promote the civic, social and educational development of humanity. We will conduct discussion groups, forums, panels, lecture, or other similar programs for the benefit of humanity. We will help the poor, the distressed and the underprivileged. We will combat community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.
We here at Pilgrim Rest are small in number, and our location is unique for we stand not on some lofty hill, nor in some exclusive area of the city, but Pilgrim Rest stands within calling distance of the men, women, boys and girls who need a Savior. We stand with our arms wide open, eager to welcome you to our earthly building, as a gateway to a heavenly home. Pilgrim Rest stands as the Light, that men need not continue to walk in darkness.
We pray that the Lord will continue to bless us, so that here on this corner, great things will continue to happen.
May this brief and incomplete history serve as a source of inspiration to all who follow and strive for the good of this church, and the building of God’s Kingdom, “Against the Tide."

Who We Are
A body of born-again, Bible believers who obey the Lord Jesus Christ and do the work of the Lord while caring for one another and reaching lost souls.